The Caianiello’s Best PhD Thesis Award is devoted to young scholars who have completed their PhD thesis within three-calendar years preceding the WIRN current meeting.
To be eligible for the competition the topic of the thesis must be among those presented in the current annual WIRN’s call for paper (Wirn 2023 for this call).
The application should include:
The nomination documents should be submitted in one ARCHIVE trough WETRANSFER to the PhD committee:
For the current award, the eligible theses should have been defended between the 7th June 2020 and the 31st of May 2023.
The deadline for the submissions is extended to May 8, 2023.
The 1st prize will be presented at the WIRN conference meeting and is accompanied by:
The 2nd prize will be presented at the WIRN conference meeting and is accompanied by:
The 2023 1st IEEE-SIREN Caianiello Best PhD thesis Awarded ex-equo to Marialucia Cuciniello and Gabriele with the following PhD theses:
Marialucia Cuciniello: “Psychological Monitoring of Mental Disorders Through Conversation”
Gabriele Ciravegna: “On the Two-fold Role of Logic Constraints in Deep Learning”