The Italian Workshop on Neural Networks
7 – 9 June 2023 – Vietri sul Mare (SA), Italy
8:30 Registration
9:20 Welcome from the Presidents: Professors Anna Esposito and Eros Pasero
9:30 – 10:15 “Maria Marinaro Lecture”, Chair: Salvatore Vitabile
Professor Pietro Lio “Graph representation learning for biomedical data”
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 12:30 (S1) Special Session on Dynamics of Signal Exchanges and Empathic Systems, part I.
Organizers: Anna Esposito, Zoraida Callejas, Claudia Greco, Antonietta M. Esposito, Gennaro Cordasco, Nelson Mauro Maldonato, Francesco Carlo Morabito, Carl Vogel, Chair: Gennaro Cordasco
12:30 – 14:30 Lunch break
14:30 – 15:15 (S2) Special Session on Dynamics of Signal Exchanges and Empathic Systems, part I.
Organizers: Anna Esposito, Zoraida Callejas, Claudia Greco, Antonietta M. Esposito, Gennaro Cordasco, Nelson Mauro Maldonato, Francesco Carlo Morabito, Carl Vogel, Chair: Terry Amorese
15:15 – 16:00 Keynote Lecture, Chair: Anna Esposito
Prof. Eros Pasero “Medicine 4.0: When New Technologies Work with AI”
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00 (S3) REGULAR Session, Chair: Michele Scarpiniti
8:30 Registration
9:00 – 9:45 “Eduardo Renato Caianiello Lecture”, Chair: Francesco Carlo Morabito
Prof. Amir Hussain “Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Enabled Multimodal Hearing Assistive Technologies”
9:45 – 10:15 Coffee break
10:15 – 12:00 (S4) REGULAR Session, Chair: Francesco Palmieri
12:00-12:30 IEEE-SIREN Caianiello Best PhD thesis Awarded to Marialucia Cuciniello and Gabriele Ciravegna.
12:10 – 12:20: Marialucia Cuciniello: “Psychological Monitoring of Mental Disorders Through Conversation”
12:20 – 12:30: Gabriele Ciravegna: “On the Two-fold Role of Logic Constraints in Deep Learning”
12:30 – 14:30 Lunch break
14:30 – 16:00 (S5) REGULAR Session, Chair: Angelo Ciaramella
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 17:45 (S6) REGULAR Session, Chair: Giovanni Di Gennaro
20:00 – SOCIAL DINNER “Ristorante Il Pescatore”
8:30 Registration
9:00 – 10:00 (S7) REGULAR Session, Chair: Marcos Faundez-Zanuy
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 12:15 (S7) Special Session on Dynamics of Signal Exchanges and Empathic Systems, part III. Organizers: Anna Esposito, Zoraida Callejas, Claudia Greco, Antonietta M. Esposito, Gennaro Cordasco, Nelson Mauro Maldonato, Francesco Carlo Morabito, Carl Vogel Chair: Claudia Grec
12:30 – 12:45 Conference Closing Chair: Anna Esposito
WIRN 2024 è parzialmente finanziato da EU NextGeneration, PNRR Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.1 – D.D. 1409 del 14-09-2022 PRIN 2022 – Project code “P20222MYKE” – CUP: B53D23025980001, dal titolo “A Pilot analysIs of behavioRal and opeRational data for detEcting Socio-emotional PrEcursors of mild CogniTIVE impairments (MCI) and demEntia” (IRRESPECTIVE)